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2024-05-02 16:41:24
导读 【#resolution是什么意思_resolution在线翻译_英语_读音_用法_例句#】1、resolution 核心词汇 英 [ˌrezəluːʃn] ...

1、resolution 核心词汇 英 [ˌrezə'luːʃn] 美[ˌrezə'luːʃn] n.决心;决定;解决;决议;坚决;分辨率 newresolution的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)决心决定解决坚定解答正式决定分解刚毅解析解除【计】分辨率决议(案)果断【律】判决溶解果断力离析变形变化双解释义n.(名词)[C]正式决定,决议 formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly, especially by means of a vote[C]决心,决定 decision or mental pledge to or not to do sth[U]坚决,坚定,坚毅 quality of being resolute or firm; determination[U]解决,解答 solution[U]清晰度;分辨率 (a measure of) the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things that are very small or close together英英释义Noun:a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a votethe ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close togetherthe trait of being resolute;"his resoluteness carried him through the battle"

2、"it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work"

3、finding a solution to a problemsomething settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making;"they finally reached a settlement with the union"

4、"they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"

5、"he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure"

6、analysis into clear-cut components(computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picturethe subsidence of swelling or other sig0和1是什么梗?0和1是分别指男同性恋中受的一方和攻的一方。攻受出自日本的原始定义中,“攻(seme)”属于主动方,“受(uke)”属于被动方。如今对BL(男同性恋的爱情)系作品中“攻受”关系比较普遍的说法是:“攻”为1,“受”为0。随着BL文化的深入推广,也有人会将这一概念用到现实中的BL关系中。ns of inflammation (especially in a lung)(music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chorda statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem;"they were trying to find a peaceful solution"

7、"the answers were in the back of the book"

8、"he computed the result to four decimal places"

9、a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner;"he always wrote down his New Year's resolutions"

10、resolution的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)Nothing can unsettle his resolution.

11、什么也动摇不了他的决心。Making resolution on new year's day is a custom that still prevail.

12、在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。The committee have adopted a resolution to build a park.

13、委员会做出一个项决议,决定兴建一座公园。His generosity led to the resolution of all our difficulties.

14、他的慷慨相助使我们的困难全都得以解决。We have passed a resolution to build a new laboratory.

15、我们已通过决议建一个新实验室。They declared that they responded with resolution to this statement .

16、他们宣布他们坚决响应这一声明。The early experiments were done with low resolution.

17、早期的实验都是在低分辨率的条件下进行的。 常见句型用作名词(n.)Several new resolutions have been passed in the present parliament.

18、几项新的决议已在本届议会获得通过。The committee have rejected a resolution to build a new library.

19、委员会否决了建造新图书馆的决议。The committee have passed a resolution that conditions (should) be improved.

20、委员会通过了改善环境的决议。I've made a New Year resolution to give up drinking.

21、我许下戒酒的新年新希望。He's always making good resolutions but he never carries them out.

22、他决心经常下得很大,但从不实行。He is a man lacking in resolution.

23、他是个缺乏毅力的人。The lawyer's advice led to the resolution of this difficult problem.

24、律师的劝告帮助解决了这个难题。There are satellites that supply high-resolution photography.

25、有些卫星能提供高分辨率的摄影。词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~adopt〔carry, pass〕 a resolution通过决议come to〔form, make, reach, take〕 a resolution下决心draft a resolution起草决议kill a resolution否定决议offer〔present, propose〕 resolution提出决议形容词+~determined〔firm〕 resolution坚定的决心~+介词resolution against〔for〕反对〔赞成〕…的决议resolution on关于…的决议经典引文The resolution of justice into two unconnected precepts.

26、出自:B. Jowettresolution的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)resolution作“正式决定,决议”解时,可接动词不定式作定语,也可以接that引导的从句作同位语,但从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式。resolution作“决心,决定”解时也可接动词不定式作定语。resolution后可接不定式,不接of或for和动名词形式。He made a resolution to study hard.

27、句中的to study不可改成of/for studying。

28、表示个人的“决心”时,用resolve多过resolution。He is still keeping his resolve.


30、表示“坚决性”时,多用resolution。如good resolutions和a new year's resolution;resolution同motion的区别:通过一个motion时,往往会伴随着执行的动作,是需要被做的。但一个resolution仅仅只是表述一些真实的或有利的决议,不需要被执行。词义辨析resolution,decision,determination,resolve这些名词均含“决定、决心”之意。resolution指自觉地正式表示的决心,含极强的主观能动意味,比如new year's resolution。decision既可指重大的或一般的决定或决心,又可指在多种情况下作出果断的抉择,毫不犹豫地采取行动。determination侧重坚定不移的顽强意志力。resolve语气较强,强调克服感情上的软弱,下决心干具体的一件事。词源解说☆ 16世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的resolutionem,意为将事物分析为更简单的形式。resolution的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】decisiondetermination【反义词】preparation准备临近单词resolveresoluteresolutionerresolution flawresolution rateresolution discresolution lineresolution unitresolution ruleresolution moderesolution testresolution plan

