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2024-04-14 16:16:00
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。with怎么读,with这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一、with表拥有某物Mary married...


1、一、with表拥有某物Mary married a man with a lot of money .马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人。

2、I often dream of a big house with a nice garden .我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。

3、The old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island .这个老人和一条小狗住在荒岛上。

4、 二、with表用某种工具或手段I cut the apple with a sharp knife .我用一把锋利的刀削平果。

5、Tom drew the picture with a pencil .汤母用铅笔画画。

6、三、with表人与人之间的协同关系make friends with sb talk with sb quarrel with sbstruggle with sbfight with sbplay with sbwork with sbcooperate with sbI have been friends with Tom for ten years since we worked with each other , and I have never quarreled with him .自从我们一起工作以来,我和汤母已经是十年的朋友了,但我们从没有吵过架。

7、四、with 表原因或理由John was in bed with high fever .约翰因发烧卧床。

8、He jumped up with joy .他因高兴跳起来。

9、Father is often excited with wine .父亲常因白酒变的兴奋。

10、五、with 表“带来”,或“带有,具有”,在…身上,在…身边之意The girl with golden hair looks beautiful .那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。

11、The famous director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress . 那个有名的导演将带着男女主角来到会场。

12、A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way .带有飓风的风暴要来了。

13、Do you have money with you .身上带着钱吗? Take the umbrella with you in case it rains .随身带伞,以防下雨。

14、六、with表想法,信念,态度与…一致I agree with you on how to deal with it .关于此事如何处理,我同意你的看法。

15、I believe with the headmaster that a good teacher should not only teach a student what to learn but also how to learn it .我相信校长所说,一个好老师不但教学生学什么,而且应教学生怎么去学。

16、七、with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”With all his money and fame, he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。

17、With good teachers and warmhearted classmates ,the new comer feels lonely .虽有着好老师和热心的同学,这个新来的还是感觉孤独。

18、八、with表同时,或同一方向,“随着”The temperature of cold-blooded animals change with the temperature of the surroundings .冷血动物的体温随着周围的环境的改变而变化。

19、The big ship is sailing with the wind .这个大船正随风向航行。

20、And with the last words , she turned away.随着最后一句话说完,他转身离开了。

21、九、with的复合结构表行为方式或伴随情况 with + n/pron + adj1年前 回答者: nicole7 - Q根九级 我看了上面的答案,虽然很全面,但是有些抽象,我概括上面的可以理解为: 1.伴随状态(如上面的with表拥有某物,with 表原因或理由等),主要强调所处于的状态,一般在句中作状语,定语)eg:The girl with golden hair ;a man with a lot of money; 2.with有“和,与”的意思,for example:make friends with sb;play with sb;talk with sb,agree with sb等 3with有表示方式的用法:eg:write with pen;cut with knife等 4.with最常用的句式:with+宾语+宾补(宾补可用形容词,动词ing形式,不定式to do 形式,介词短语等等) 5.with表示让步,“虽有,尽管”eg:With all his money and fame, he is not happy .有着钱和名誉,他还是不快乐。

22、(这个不常用) 这是我的看法,应该概括上面几点了,用with一般都是with+宾语+宾补结构,考试也考这个,另外常考的是表方式,如用笔写字。


