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2024-05-25 01:00:57
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。七年级英语试题卷,七年级英语试题这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一, 选择填空...


1、一, 选择填空。

2、(15分,一题1分) 1, ( C, to live ) I’d like ______ next to my school. A, live B, live in D, to live in 2, (D, in, with ) Lily lives _____ a flat _____ her family. A, with, in B, to, with C, on, behind 3, ( C, a lot ) It rains _____ in Thailand. A, a few B, a little of D, a lot of 4, ( D, to sit ) It’s comfortable _________ on the sofa. A, sat B, sitting C, sit 5, ( C, from, bigger ) Sandy’s notebook is different _____ mine. Mine is ______. A, from, biger B, of, bigger D, between, small 6, (B, between )Can you tell me the differences ______ the two pictures? A, in C, among D, of 7, ( D, none ) ---How many bottles of orange are there on the desk? ---There’s ________. A, no B, nobody C, nothing 8, ( A, her sister’s) The book isn’t Lily’s. It’s ________ B, hers sister C, her sister D, she sister’s 9, ( B, is going to ) Look at the thick cloud! It _________ rain. A, will to C, is going D, are going to 10, (B, with ) At Halloween, we wear costumes ______ masks. A, has C, have D, have no 11, ( B, anything important ) Do you have ___________ to tell me? A, something important C, important something D, important anything 12, ( B, like ) Don’t make any mistakes ________ that. A, likes C, dislike D, look like 13, ( C, felt frightened ) Millie _________ when she saw the wolf(狼). A, feel frightened B, felt frighten D, feels frightened 14, (A, Are, watching ) ---_____ you fond of _______ films? ---Yes, I am. B, Is, watch C, Are, watch D, Is, watching 15, ( A, cleaned ) Everyone must keep the classroom _______. B, cleaning C, clean D, to clean。

