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2024-05-23 08:00:37
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。correct是什么意思英文,correct是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、correct...


1、correct papers是 阅卷 的意思。

2、组卷:Make papers “文稿”:"the papers" 校正:correct 矫正:correct 改易:correct 纠错:Correct error 订正:correct 校勘:Correct 科研论文:scientific research papers 证明文件:Testifying Papers 期刊论文:Periodical papers 补校:Supplement and Correct 校补:correct and compile 组卷策略:Strategy of generating test papers 巴塞尔文件:Papers issued by Basle Committee 评卷标准:the standard in evaluating test papers 零速修正:Zero-Velocity correct 自校正:Correct by itself 纠正措施:Correct Suggestion 订正方法:correct method. 正确导向:correct spin control 参数校正:correct coefficient 辐射纠正:radiometric correct 正确理解:correct understanding 反馈校正:feedback correct 纠错编码:Error_correct coding 相位校正:phase correct 纠错码:Error Correct Coding (ECC) 模型修正:correct of model 非线性校正:Nonlinear correct 正确记忆:correct memory 并行正确:Concurrently Correct 自修正:Correct by Self 电压校正:Voltage Correct 软件修正:Software correct 作业批改:Correct of Drawing 校正电路:correct circuit 侧向偏离纠正:correct the side deviation 误差修正模型:error correct model 循环纠错码:Cyclical Error_correct Code 模糊纠偏控制器:fuzzy correct controller 矫正与定位:correct and reset 功率因数校正:Power Factor Correct 向量误差修正模型:Vector error correct model 修正倾斜层板理论:correct inclined laminate theory。

