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Cee-Lo Green Crazy 歌词

2024-02-28 14:40:22
导读 【#Cee-Lo Green Crazy 歌词#】1、我让女生疯狂2、Feels like Im loosing my mind 感觉我失去了头脑3、Caught up, trying to ...
【#Cee-Lo Green Crazy 歌词#】


2、Feels like I'm loosing my mind 感觉我失去了头脑

3、Caught up, trying to count 抓住他,

4、All these girls in my life 这些在我生命中女生

5、So hard for me to resist 对我来说难以抗拒

6、When they walk by, they give me the eye 当他们从我身边走过,对我方电

7、I fall in love every ...

8、Cee-Lo Green 歌很好听哦 我特别喜欢 Crazy是首经典


10、I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

11、There was something so pleasant about that phase.

12、Even your emotions had an echo

13、In so much space

14、And when you're out there


【#Cee-Lo Green Crazy 歌词#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。
