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2024-10-14 05:15:37
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。正火是什么意思,退火是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、2) cold-rollin...


1、2) cold-rolling冷轧1.Systematically investigated and discussed texture formation mechanism of IF steel sheet hot-rolled in ferrite region and its transformation mechanism during cold-rolling/annealing by means of the microstructure observation and crystallographic orientation distribution function(ODF).通过金相观察和织构ODF分析,系统地研究了铁素体区热轧IF钢织构的形成机制及其在冷轧和退火过程中织构转变的特点和机理.结果表明:铁素体区热轧IF钢时,在交滑移机制的作用下,主要得到纤维状的形变组织和较强的α丝织构和较弱的γ丝织构,同时有少量的再结晶晶粒存在;冷轧过程中,在位错滑移、晶粒转动以及晶内剪切带的共同作用下,形成典型的纤维状组织,α丝织构和γ丝织构都明显得到加强;退火时,再结晶组织和织构的形成主要受很强的定向形核机制和弱的选择长大机制控制2.Evolution of texture and tissue in cold-rolling processes were investigated by using the electron backscatter diffraction technique based on the scanning electron microscope.包钢3 mm厚CSP热轧板经过热处理来适当调整组织和硬度后进行冷轧,压下量为81.7%.采用基于扫描电镜(SEM)上电子背散射衍射(EBSD)分析方法研究冷轧过程中织构的演变.结果表明,冷轧过程{110}滑移系首先开动,导致冷轧成品形成31.1%的{112}〈110〉织构和14.7%的{001} 〈110〉织构,由于反应应力的作用形成39.2%的{111}面织构3.Compounding experiments on Steel-Al and Steel-Cu by cold-rolling,i.进行了钢-铜、钢-铝冷轧复合实验,即表面处理+复合轧制+轧后热处理。

2、3) cold rolling冷轧1.According to the production practice,the article probes into the causes of cold rolling cracking of Titanium material for eyeglasses and puts forward effective measures for preventing the cracking.结合眼镜用异型钛材的生产实际,探讨了冷轧裂纹缺陷的形成原因,并提出了防止裂纹产生的有效措施。

3、2.The characters of the production systems for cold rolling mills were analyzed.对冷轧生产系统特点进行分析,将冷轧生产批量计划与调度问题抽象为多阶段、多品种带有中间库的批量计划与调度问题。

4、3.The heats by plastic deformation and friction during cold rolling process were the main causes to in crease the temperature of strip and roll.冷轧时轧件塑性变形热、摩擦热是导致带钢和轧辊温度升高的主要原因,而乳化液的冷却作用和带钢在机架间的热量损失使带钢和轧辊的热传递过程非常复杂,通过有限元温度模型可以进行轧辊和带钢温度的精确计算,为准确进行轧机辊缝设定和轧辊热凸度计算提供了依据。

5、4) cold rolled冷轧1.The results show that the longitudinal strength and elongation of alumina dispersion strengthened copper alloy(ADSCA) cold rolled in unidirection are higher than that of transverse values for both cold rolling and annealing states.结果表明:合金经过单向冷轧变形后,无论是冷轧态还是退火态纵向强度、伸长率均高于横向。

6、2.The present paper describes the production,consumption and distribution of the cold rolled silicon steel sheet at home and abroad,analyzes the production,and supply and demand of the cold rolled silicon steel sheet in the Country and foresees the trend of production and consumption of the cold rolled silicon steel sheet sheet after 2006.从国内外冷轧硅钢的生产、消费及分布现状,分析国内冷轧硅钢的生产、供需状况,展望2006年以后冷轧硅钢的生产与消费趋势。

7、3.Si,Mn as well as Cr and Mo are always added into the steel to enhance the hardenability of cold rolled dual phase steels.连续退火是冷轧双相带钢典型的生产工艺,Si、Mn、Cr、Mo 等合金元素经常用来提高冷轧双相钢的淬透性。

8、5) cold rolling冷轧变形1.The effect of cold rolling deformation prior to aging on the strengthening of a maraging steel was investigated.系统研究了预先冷轧变形对马氏体时效钢强化的影响,研究结果表明:510℃×3 h时效引起的强度净增加值恒定,与冷轧变形量无关,最终的强度为:σ=σ0+ΔσCR+ΔσAge,即初始强度、冷加工强化和时效强化的叠加,其中只有冷加工强化ΔσCR随变形量变化。

9、2.The article introduces microstructure evolution and mechanical hardening of three different kind steels during cold rolling.本文介绍了三种钢在冷轧变形过程中的组织演变和形变强化规律,发现三种钢具有不同的形变强化规律。

