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2024-10-13 19:45:33
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。汽车的英文有哪些,汽车的英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Can Hybrid Cars ...


1、Can Hybrid Cars Be Too Quiet? Hybrid cars are good for the environment. But scientists say that they might be bad for pedestrians. Because hybrids are so quiet, it can be hard for walkers to hear them until it’s too late. If you didn’t hear anything, well, that’s what worries scientists at the University of California, Riverside. They recorded the sounds made by an approaching hybrid vehicle and by a car with a standard, internal combustion engine. They then asked listeners wearing headphones to determine whether the car was coming from the left or the right. Turns out people could hear the standard vehicle from about 36 feet away. But the hybrid was able to sneak up to just 11 feet away before listeners knew where it was coming from. And when the scientists added some background noise, people couldn’t pinpoint the direction of the Prius until it had already passed them by, results they’ll be presenting at the May meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Portland, Oregon. The solution, they say, is to require a “minimum sound” for all late model cars. No annoying beeps or alarms. Just something to supply that new-car sound. 混合动力汽车是不是过于安静了? 混合动力汽车对环境有好处。


3、 当汽车驶近的时候,如果你什么也听不到,那这正是来自加州大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside)的科学家们所担忧的事情。



6、 结果发现,在36英尺以外,,人们能听到标准内燃引擎汽车驶近的声音。



9、科学家们即将把他们的研究结果在5月份于俄勒冈州波特兰市(Portland, Oregon)召开的《美国声学会》(Acoustical Society of America)会议上报道。



12、(编辑:胡慧) Vocabulary: Acoustical: 声学的 Hybrid vehicle: 混合动力汽车 Pedestrian: 行人 Internal: 内部的 Combustion: 燃烧 Determine: 确定 Sneak: 潜行;偷偷地走 Pinpoint: 明确指出;正确解释 Minimum: 最少量 Annoying: 烦人的 Beep: (汽车喇叭发出的)嘟嘟声 Alarm: 警报(编辑:胡慧)。

