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2024-06-13 15:15:43
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。商务英语翻译第二版课后答案,商务英语翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、你们将...



2、 After comparing our quotation with others, we believe you would admire our product with high-quality and low price.由于我们的贸易量非常大,库存不断更换,所以你们可以相信,我们所提供的均为最新款式。

3、 Because we have quite a large trading quantity and the products in stock are changing, so you can believe in us that what we provided are of uptodate styles.非常可能我们不能在一段时间内重报此价,因而期望得到你们尽快答复。

4、 It is very likely that we can not repeat the quotation, so we are expecting your reply as soon as possible.这段是不是有问题,应该是由于货物流通块,我们不能长时间保持这种报价价位。

5、It is very likely that we can not hold the quotation for a longtime because of the fast goods circulation, so we are expecting your reply as soon as possible.我们正与中国银行上海分行联系安排开立有关信用证,一旦开立将立即传真通知你方。

6、 We are arranging the issue of Letter of Credit with the Shang-Hai Branch of the Bank of China, once it has been done, we will notify you by Fax.我方的一个客户要求我方询问如下规格的机械工具的最优惠实盘价格。

7、 One of our clients wants us to ask the cheapest price available for the mechanical equipments as listed under. 我们已经收到由中国银行上海分行开立的以我方为受益人的金额为10000美圆的信用证。

8、 We have received the Letter of Credit issued by Shang-Hai Branch of the Bank of China with amount of 10,000USD in favor of us.敬请注意,12345号合同项下的500台缝纫机已经备好待运,可我们至今未收到相关信用证。

9、Please be attention that the 500 sewing machine under the Contract of 12345 are ready for shipment, but till now I have not got the Letter of Credit for that. 我们相信你方会将信用证中的装船期延至7月15日。

10、 We believe you will postpone the date of shipment in the Letter of Credit to Jul/15.请告知我方你们的报价中是否包括了偷窃提货不着险的保费。

11、 Please let us know if quotation is inclusive of the insurance for failure to get the goods caused by stealing. 收到你方书面定单之日起3至4周内我们就可以备好货物。

12、 The goods can be ready in three to four days after receiving the PO.信用证应该在装船前1个月开到我方,装船后15天内在中国议付有效。

13、 The Letter of Credit should arrive at us one month before shipment, and valid in 15days after shipment.我们可以向你方保证所供应产品的品质和设计将和样品完全一致。

14、 We can assure you that the quality and design of what we provided are in accordance with the samples.现请你方予以协助,将交货期提前到9月底,以便我方赶上圣诞节的销售旺季。

15、 Please assist us to advance the consignment of delivery to the end of September to help us meet the peak season of Charismas.保险费因投保范围不同而不同,额外的保费应该由买方支付。

16、The cost of insurance varies by scopes; the extra insurance should be at the cost of the purchaser. 货物的破损是由于船公司野蛮装卸造成的,你方应该向他们要求损失赔偿。

17、 The damage of the goods is because of the rude downloading by the Ship Company, so you should ask for compensation from them.为了使你方对我们的出口产品有所了解,我们已给你另寄去3份产品手册。

18、 In order to facilitate your understanding to our export Products, we had post you 3 copies of the Product Menu.如果你方认为这样安排可以,请电传确认,以便我方加快装运。

19、If you agree with the arrangement, please confirm by Fax,so as to accelerate our shipment.。

