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2024-06-04 15:15:49
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。伯夷叔齐,boyish这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、tomboy [ˈtɔmˌbɔɪ] noun...


1、tomboy [ˈtɔmˌbɔɪ] noun 【英语解释】a girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys 爱玩闹的男孩子气的女孩 【例句】His daughter is a saucy tomboy. 他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。

2、 Mary has always been a tomboy. She likes hiking and horseback riding. 玛丽一直很男子气,她喜欢远足和骑马。

3、 boyish [ˈbɔɪɪʃ] adjective 【英语解释】of, like, or characteristic of a male child or young man 男孩(似)的;孩子气的 【例】his boyish charm. 他那男孩般的魅力。

4、 she looked boyish and defiant. 她看起来像男孩,而且很倔强。

5、 This girl likes to have her hair cut in a boyish style. 这个女孩喜欢把自己的头发剪成男孩的发型。

6、 His classic boyish looks seemed to proclaim his good humour and openness. 他的长相非常孩子气,显得性情很好且诚实坦率。

7、 trying to hide the boyish enthusiasm bubbling up inside him 尽力掩盖在他体内燃烧的孩子般的热情 ------------------------------可见 tomboy 比 boyish 多了 naughty 的含义。

8、tomboy = naughty boyish。

