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2024-10-16 20:30:34
导读 大家好,小东方来为大家解答以上的问题。晴天的英文,阴天的英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、晴天的英文为sunny day、...


1、晴天的英文为sunny day、阴天的英文为cloudy day、雨天的英文为rainy  day。

2、1.sunny英[ˈsʌni] 美[ˈsʌni]adj.和煦的:照到阳光的; 快活的,性情开朗亲切的;词组1.sunny weather 阳光灿烂的天气2.sunny side 光明;向阳的一边3.sunny side up 荷包蛋只煎一面4.bright and sunny 阳光明媚造句1.This room is sunny and bright .这间房子又向阳,又透亮。

3、2.He is with good coordination and a sunny smile .他非常随和,一副春风得意的样子。

4、3.We talked for a few minutes on the sunny porch .我们在阳光灿烂的阳台上谈了几分种。

5、4.These clothes should be put out to air on a sunny day .这些衣服好天儿要拿出去晒晒。

6、5.The quiet street corner was the sunny part of his life .这幽静的街角也就是他生平得意之地。

7、2.cloudy英[ˈklaʊdi] 美[ˈklaʊdi]adj.多云的; 阴天的; 朦胧的; 愁容满面的;1.cloudy day 阴天2.cloudy sky 多云天空,阴天3.partly cloudy 局部多云;少云造句1.She sat, looking into the cloudy mirror, musing .她凝视着朦胧的镜子,坐着陷入了沉思。

8、2.The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through .天阴多云,但是太阳还是想冲出来。

9、3.They cannot concentrate the diffused sunlight of cloudy days .它们不能收集多云天的散射阳光。

10、4.Just at sunset the air turned cold and the sky cloudy .夕阳西下时,空气变冷了,天空布满了云。

11、5.All of these mixtures produced a cloudy liquid dispersion .所有这些混合物,都产生混浊的液体分散系。

12、3.rainy英[ˈreɪni] 美[ˈreni]adj.下雨的,多雨的;词组1.Rainy Pot 云朵花盆2.Rainy Man 激流金属 ; 乡土摇滚 ; 厄运金属 ; 哥特式金属3.rainy tears 雨之泪4.rainy spell 下雨时间 ; 雨期造句1.We happened to arrive there in the rainy season .我们到时适值雨季。

13、2.The submarine was breaking into rainy night .潜水艇正碰上了雨夜。

14、3.Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season .梅雨季节东西容易发霉。

15、4.It was a beast of a day , bleak , cold , and rainy .冷风凄雨,天气恶劣。

16、5.You should put a little money aside for a rainy day .你应储些钱以防不时之需。

